Your Guide for the Prevention & Treatment of Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's MD
Day 5 of the Alzheimer's Journey
Conquering Brain Killing Illnesses
Day 5 of the Alzheimer's Journey - Conquering Brain Killing Illness
At the end of Day 5, you will know:
What illnesses are killing your brain, and
How to go to your physician and ask for the same highly effective treatment protocols that Dr. Van Horn uses to help his patients live longer, healthier, and happier lives.
In Day 5: Conquering Brain Killing Illnesses, you will learn the specific and effective medication protocols that Dr. Van Horn has successfully utilized over the last 20 years for the treatment of:
Low brain energy
Chronic pain
In Conquering Brain Killing Illnesses, Dr. Van Horn discusses multiple illnesses that accelerate brain death. This includes the importance of proper medical management of cardiovascular illness, diabetes, and obesity.
Your brain is dying for a period of 40 to 60 years before memory loss becomes apparent and many people have one if not many of these illnesses over that 40 to 60 year period. When properly treated, your brain is healthier and lives longer. However, if you do not get treatment or you get improper treatment, then your brain dies significantly faster than it should and your risk for Alzheimer's disease increases dramatically.
Revolutionary Series by
William A. Van Horn, MD
Click on each day to learn more
and watch the whole series for FREE